2D Animation
Two Familiars - BFA thesis film
A nervous young witch’s trip to the supply store is compromised when her and the shopkeeper’s
familiars don’t get along. Two Familiars is a 2D animated short I created as my BFA thesis and defended in Dec 2018, then continued working on to completion in June 2019. The final version premiered at the Grand Rapids Feminist Film Festival on October 21st, 2019 |
Gemanimate II (2017)
This is the shot I was assigned during the second Gemanimate project (scroll down for more info on the first project), which was a fan-run endeavor to re-create the entire Emmy nominated Steven Universe episode The Answer with a different animator for each shot. You can see the finished project here!
CWRU 2016 Summer Internship - Merry
Gemanimate (2016)
Inspired by Sailor Moon Animate Make-up, Steven Universe Reanimate was a fan project aiming to completely reanimate the extended opening of Steven Universe with a different animator for each shot. This is the shot I was assigned and completed in my spare time during Summer 2016.
You can see the finished project here! |
CIA Holiday Animation 2015 - American Greetings contest winner
Out of all the submissions from our class, this animation was chosen by American Greetings to be CIA's official 2015 Holiday ecard! I did story, character designs, the girl's animation, and post-production, while Julia Davenport animated the dog and illustrated all the backgrounds.